Meet the current pack

Kim’s family has had dogs since she was little. The first dogs she remembers were Brandy and Sheba. From there, it was McGee, Baby Jingles (BJ), Slick, Joey, Teddy, Max, Lizzie, Little Bit, Charlie, Holly, Bella, Cody, Ruby, Reba, Sammie, Willow, and Lexie. Additional family dogs include Gucci, Coco, Lucy, Cookie, Sierra, Katan, Jasmine, Gypsy, and Sadie. For Kim, it was Bandit, Hannah, Jesse, James, Olive, Xena, and Stella. Family Christmases usually included more dogs than people! Breeds included Afghan Hounds, Chihuahuas, Poodles, Airedales, a Cairn Terrier, American Eskimo, Papillon, Shih Tzu, and mixes, mixes, mixes! Many, many of these pups were rescued, several as seniors, and Kim wants to continue the legacy.

But come inside and meet Einstein’s Angels current welcoming committee.